tbf relies on the financial support of a small number of generous people who have embraced the vision of reaching people for Christ in the workplace.
The “good news” is that tbf is a very lean operation with very little overhead: (1) tbf is staffed completely by volunteers, (2) tbf is not required to pay for office space, and (3) tbf’s meeting rooms are generously provided by our hosts at no charge. tbf’s only recurring expenses are (1) honoraria for our speakers (usually $150 per meeting), and at our locations where lunch is provided, (2) the cost of the lunch (around $8.00 per person, depending on the location). Virtually every penny of support goes to the “bottom line” of workplace ministry.
Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially at this time. tbf is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization recognized by the IRS and all contributions are deductible as provided by law. tbf is set up to receive (1) cash contributions at our meetings, (2) checks payable to tbf mailed to the address on our “Contact” page, and (3) online contributions by credit card or electronic check. Online donations are processed by the National Christian Foundation and a receipt is provided immediately.
We sincerely hope that the ministry of God’s word as presented by our amazing speakers has touched your life as much as it has touched ours and you will join us in contributing to the work of this important ministry.
Thank you.