thursday bible forum (tbf) is a workplace ministry that sponsors monthly lunch meetings in office buildings and other business settings.
tbf's meetings feature presentations by prominent local ministers.
Lunch is provided and all are welcome!
Thursday Bible Forum (tbf) is a non-denominational Christian workplace initiative founded by a trial lawyer in 2001.
tbf sponsors once-a-month lunchtime “Bible forum” meetings at multiple locations in a variety of corporate and professional offices in downtown office buildings and suburban office complexes.
tbf’s basic protocol is to identify a business or professional person interested in hosting a monthly lunch meeting. tbf assists the on-site leader in (1) satisfying corporate “HR” requirements, (2) scheduling speakers (mainly local pastors), (3) circulating email invitations, and (4) ordering lunch.
tbf’s meetings are up-beat and positive and have been well-received for many years by the participating employees and their employers.
tbf is a not-for-profit corporation officially recognized by the Internal Revenue as a 501(c)(3) exempt organization.